The Urban Planning and Design Journal
at the University of Michigan
The Urban Planning and Design Journal
at the University of Michigan
The Agora Journal of Urban Planning and Design is an award-winning, annual, student-run, peer-reviewed publication of the University of Michigan. Based in the A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, the Journal’s staff is composed of graduate students enrolled in Taubman College’s Master of Urban and Regional Planning and Urban Design programs.
In addition to long-form articles on planning and policy, Agora publishes work from a wide range of perspectives across the University including spatial analysis, design, and photography. The print journal is distributed to students and faculty within Taubman College, the University library, alumni, architecture firms, planning departments, other organizations nationwide and abroad, and all other academic journals produced by graduate urban planning programs. Agora is printed annually in April.
Submissions for our Blog are accepted year-round! Please send us your submissions here for online publication.
Check out our Instagram for photography, updates, and more content from our team!