
2025 Print Publication

Deadline: January 3, 2025
Submit questions to:

Submit to:


  • Submission types:

    • Long-Form - Investigations into topics including urbanism, design, planning, and policy (approximately 3,000 - 5,000 words).

    • Short-Form - Personal reflections and essays on cities and urban issues (approximately 750 – 2,500 words).

    • Spatial Analysis - Examination of issues through mapping of spatial components with accompanying text.

    • Photojournalism - A series of photos and text that form a narrative about cities or planning.

    • Infographic - A series of graphic representations of information that explore urban issues.

    • Design - Visual explorations of the built environment considered at an urban scale that incorporate planning concepts.


  • Tips for Submission

    • All pieces should have a strong, well-researched and developed argument and narrative.

    • Pieces should contribute to the field of planning.

    • Pieces should include your perspective, but have an academic tone.

    • The inclusion of original Images is encouraged.


  • Cover page must include:
    1. Contributor(s) - including group members
    2. Contact unique name (email address)
    3. Contact UM ID#
    4. Short biographical statement (50 - 75 words)
    5. Phone number
    6. 150 - 250 word abstract


  • Document requirements include:
    1. Text submissions must be Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX) and design submissions must be PDF.
    2. Do not include contributor names in the body of the document.
    3. Citations must be in Chicago Style.
    4. Only endnotes that provide substantive information will be included.
    5. Images must be original content, public domain, or licensed under Creative Commons (at least 300 pixels/inch).


  • Naming convention: LASTNAME_title.doc or .docx

  • Email subject: LASTNAME A22 Submission



The Symposium section aims to promote discussion about an important, timely, and controversial planning issue. We welcomed responses from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. Agora will be seeking submissions for the 2022 Symposium, Participa(c)tion, beginning November 30, 2021.

Theme: Participa(c)tion

Discrimination and inequity are deeply seated in our society, from our constructions of social behavior to the structures that shelter where we work, study, play, and rest. The fields of planning and design must challenge existing practices by centering equity and equality in our scholarly and professional institutions. This also requires understanding how planning and design problems are interconnected with fields like public health, environmental policy, social work, law, and many others. Agora Journal’s previous volume, R/evolutions, reflected the urgency needed within the profession and our communities to re-envision a society that prioritizes equity, racial justice, and sustainability accentuated by the Covid pandemic. This year's symposium theme challenges students to take the next step and investigate actions that address racial capitalism, settler-colonial structures, gender inequality, and climate injustice. How can advocacy, participatory, and community-centric methods innovatively re-evaluate positions of power to create equitable and sustainable cities?

Share your response by sending your 1,000 - 1,500 word piece to

  • Submission types:

    • Text: Essays, personal reflections, case studies, policy evaluation, etc. (approximately 1,000 - 1,500 words).

    • Spatial Analysis - Examination of issues through mapping of spatial components with accompanying text.

    • Photojournalism - A series of photos and text that form a narrative about cities or planning.

    • Infographic - A series of graphic representations of information that explore urban issues.

    • Design - Visual explorations of the built environment considered at an urban scale that incorporate planning concepts.

  • Cover page must include:
    1. Contributor(s) - including group members
    2. Contact unique name (email address)
    3. Contact UM ID#
    4. Short biographical statement (50 - 75 words)
    5. Phone number
    6. 150 - 250 word abstract


  • Document requirements include:
    1. Text submissions must be Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX) and design submissions must be PDF.
    2. Do not include contributor names in the body of the document.
    3. Citations must be in Chicago style.
    4. Only endnotes that provide substantive information will be included.
    5. images must be original content, public domain, or licensed under Creative Commons (at least 300 pixels/inch).


  • Naming convention: LASTNAME_title.doc or .docx

  • Email subject: LASTNAME A22 Submission


** If selected, contributors will be asked to sign a contract giving Agora Journal of Urban Planning and Design the right to use the work for promotional materials such as posters and publish the work online and in the print publication.

Media Licensing 

note to all contributors 

If selected, contributors will be asked to sign a contract giving Agora the right to use their work for promotional materials such as posters, and publish their work online and in the print publication. The contributor is also agreeing to participate in the editing process beginning mid-January.

The editing process includes working with an Agora editor and layout staff member, as well as the urban planning writing instructor to polish your submission for publication.

We have implemented a peer-review process in which accepted submissions will be reviewed by an urban planning faculty member and/or a PhD student at the beginning of the editing process.    











Digital Space

Deadline: Open call
Submit to:

Blog Posts

  • Approximately 300 - 600 words

  • Identify 2 sentences for excerpt

  • Identify 2-3 keywords for tags

  • Images encouraged

  • Hyperlinks encouraged


** If selected, contributors will be asked to sign a contract giving Agora Journal of Urban Planning and Design the right to use the work for promotional materials such as posters and publish the work online and in the print publication.

Media Licensing