Letter from the Chair - Joseph Grengs
Letter from the Editor - Karen Otzen
Creating an Inclusive Public Space - Karis Tzeng
The Chawls and Slums of Mumbai - Tithi Sanyal
Sidewalks of Conflict - Laura Devine
The Health Implications of Public Transportation - A. Camille McBride
Islands of Light - Tyler Fitch
Aspirations of Economic Resilience - Grace Cho
Practitioner Perspectives, Equity, and Tradeoffs - Prathmesh Gupta
The City of Tomorrow . . . Today - Ryan Schell
Making the Middle - Peter Swinton
Social Cohesion and Economic Justice - Christopher Rodriguez
Racially Restrictive Covenants in the United States - Nancy H. Welsh
Letter from the Chair - Richard Norton
Letter from the Editor - Taylor LaFave
The Case for Bridge Planning and Cross Cultural Practice - Grace Cho
Urban Climate Adaptation and Resisting the Urge to Panic - Rich Bunnell
New Genre Public Art and the Law - Daniel Sharp
Racial Residential Integration in America - Rebecca Labov
An Architectural Approach to Coastal Infrastructure - Frank Gibase IV
Striving for Just Green Enough - Calli VanderWilde
The Catalytic Escalators of Hong Kong - Liz Szatko
Housing for Returning Offenders in the United States - Rachel Baccile
Post-Trauma Aesthetics - Adam Abou-Aleiwi + Erika Linenfelser
The Application of the Internet of Things to Enhance Urban Sustainability - Shufan Zhang
The Regulation of Transportation Network Companies - Deanna Dupuy
Letter from the Dean - Robert Fishman
State of the Journal - Mike Lydon
Letter from the Editor - Mikah Zaslow
Arriving at Employment - Mike Auerbach, Kathleen Reilly, Yuting Sun
Unbalanced Saudi Arabia - Bader Bajaber
Revitalizing Urban Gardens - Sanaz Chamanara, Amirreza Kazemeini
Hybrid NoHam - Mike Davis, Jr., Lesley Rivera
Complex Sustainability - Mackenzie Lehon
Benefits and Costs - Kathleen Reilly
Gentrification as Recolonization - Michelle Rubin
Symposium 002: What Makes a Place Refugee Ready? - Aayat Ali, Jennifer Bohl, Scott Fox, Diego Garcia Blanco, Stephanie Gerretsen
Reincarnation - Alana Tucker
From Division to Fusion - Jiqiong Wang
Letter from the Dean - Monica Ponce de Leon
State of the Journal - Scott Campbell
Letter from the Editor - Alexandra Markiewicz
Trimming Back the Fair Housing Act - Nick Kabat
Examining the Los Angeles Metro - Frank Romo
Eminent Domain - Luke Norman
Redesigning Empty - Tianyi Gu
Symposium 001: Policy Brutaility - Dr. Harley F. Etienne, Michelle Bennett, Danielle Jacobs, Lacey Sigmon
The Politics of Power and Public Space - Wajiha Ibrahim
The Push for Tax Credit Reform - Brad Vogelsmeier
Shared Equity Homeownership - Matt Warfield
A Dichotomy of Cultures - Pier Amelia Davis
Divided Cities - Parisa Mard Mehdiabadi
From the Chair - Richard Norton
Alternatives - Alexandria Stankovich
Progressive Planning in Conservation Communities - Cole Grisham
Crowdfunding Community Projects - Elizabeth Treutel
Combining Fragments into a Vibrant Whole - Jason Wong
Tribal Planning in the Face of Environmental Injustice - Terra Reed
The Remembrance of a Moon Village - Seul Lee
International Cooperative Housing - Pamela Schaeffer
The Mortgage Interest Deduction - Xang Yan
Cleared for Development - Clare Kang, Katherin Knapp, Nolan Sandberg, Julia Stuebing
Strategic Demolition - Matthew Story
Securing Neighborhoods - Andrew Goddeeris
Narrative in Urban Theory - Napong Tao Kugkhapan
Letter from the Editor - Katharine Pan
Embracing Smart Decline - Payton Heins
Public Transit Market 101: Why and How Public Transit Agencies Need to Market - Melinda Morang
Critiquing the Culture of Critiquing the Culture of Sprawl - Eric Paul Dennis
Going the Distance: A Regional Analysis of Food Accessibility in the Detroit Tri-County Area - Elias Schewel, Eric Seymour
Decentralization of Ghana - Elizabeth Renckens
Power of the People: A Pedestrian-Centric Manhattan - Patrick Ethen
Cure or Bandage? New York City's 80/20 Program - Joseph Jones
Politics and Planning of the I-81 Corridor in Syracuse, New York - Elizabeth Renckens
Architecture-City: Structuring Urban Environments - Branden Clements
The Environmental Paradox of Cities: Getting Around Dubai - Douglas Kelbaugh
The Afterlife of Malls - John Drain
Hong Kong - Michelle Lam
Letter from the Editor - Katharine Pan
Learning from the American Ghetto: A Comprehensive Analysis of African American Inner Cities - Paul D. Irwin
Tall Urban Form and Counting as an Expression of Power - Jonathan E. Tarr
The Demolition of the Cabrini-Green White Walls Towers - Dorothy Schwankl
From Finance to Physical Plan: Construction of Garbatella from Garden City Principles - Susannah Cramer-Greenbaum
Reconsideration of the Rise and Fall of Detroit Through the Lens of Non-Place - Eric Paul Dennis
The Spectacle Park: Emergence of a Sixth Urban Park Typology - Lauren Williams
Analysis of the Maximization of LEED Points for the Construction of a Mid-Rise Apartment Complex - Andrew Fang, Nathan Niese, Lindsay Sharpe, Morgane Treanton
Re-Imagining Round Rock - Susannah Cramer-Greenbaum, Erica Wannamacher
Safety, Mode Share, and Segregated Bicycle Infrastructure - Melinda Morang
Southwest Detroit Wind Feasibility Study - Kristin Baja, Melvin Gains, Billy Ho, Clay Martin, Julie Schnieder, Virgilio Sklar
Light Rail Transit on Woodward Avenue in Detroit, MI: An Analysis of Two Proposed Alignments - Kevin Burns McCoy
Missed Connection? A Critical Evaluation of the Woodward Avenue Light Rail Project - Eric Seymour, Diana Flora
Letter from the Editor - Spencer Olinek
Complementing Demolition - Robert Linn
Pathologizing Place and Race: The Rhetoric of Slum Clearance and Urban Renewal, 1930-1965 - Amanda Rowe Tillotson
Inside/Outside: Urban Form in the Future - Barret Bumford
Design Charrettes - Doug Kelbaugh
Tapping Terrain Vague - Andrew Broderick
Bridge of Revitalization: An Urban Design Vision for the "New Center" District of Detroit - Scott Curry, Apoorva Alankar, Yarjia Liu, Nana Adja-Sai
The A. Alfred Taubman Center for Design Education - Damon C. Healey
Afterschool Programs to Increase Retention and Outcomes in Detroit Public Schools - Karey Quarton
The End of an Era: The Case of Public Housing in Atlanta, Georgia - Jennifer A. Williams
Failed Linkages - Leanna First-Arai
Healthy Planning: How Community Planners Can Solve the Healthcare Crisis - Michael Glynn
Letter from the Editors - Thomas S. Skuzinski, Scott Curry
The Character of Change - Matthew Schildkret
A Tale of Two Cities - Amanda Rowe Tillotson
Beyond the Pink Flamingo - Christian Runge
LEED-ing Las Vegas - Allison Craddock
Dealing with Density - Nathan Geisler
Reimagining the Lower East Side Manhattan - Danna Reyes
5th and Division - Daren Crabill
Project for Public Spaces - Daren Crabill
Pessimism, Nihilism, Sorkinism - Rachana Ky
A Comparative Study of U.S. and Swiss Transportation Systems - Marie Clarence Chollet
Bogging Down the Neighborhood - Megan Gilster
Letter from the Editor - James B. McMurray
The Ballet of 24th Street - Stephanie Etikin
The Community Reinvestment Act: Past, Present and Future - Lisa Morris
The Ballet of Camden Town - Sarah Elizabeth Ross
Youngstown: A Place for Families - Kelly Koss
Paolo Soleri: Another Urban Utopian - Catherine Gaines Sanders
Brasilia or the Limits of Theory - Christian Kroll
The Rise and Spread of Istanbul's Suburbs - Heather Smirl
Ann Arbor: A Suburban Ballet - Carolyn Pivirotto
Managing Growth in Wind Energy Production - Jon VanDerZee
Ballad of a Good City Sidewalk: Sensenti - Kimiko Doherty
Green Grassroots Efforts in Chicago: A Necessary Companion to Much Heralded Mayor Daley - Joshua D. Anderson
The Beach Ballet - James B. McMurray
Empowering or Entangling? Challenges of Participation in Development - John Scott-Railton
The Urban Ballet of Broadway - Tobias Wacker
Letter From the Editor - Kelsey Johnson
Provocations for the Global Place Conference - Robert Fishman
The Planned Transformation: A Closer Look at the Chicago Housing Authority Redevelopment Initiatives - T'Chana Bradford
Building Better Affordable Housing: A Survey of Existing Research on the Relationship between Affordable Housing and Neighboring Property Values - Thomas S. Skuzinski
Cultural Resource Management in Malacca - Tobias Wacker
The Venice Strips - Emily Schemper, Peter Winch
Temporal Meanings and Flexible Spaces in Tokyo - Anthony DeLisi
The Tango Archives: Lyrics and Collective Memory of Buenos Aires between 1890 and 1940 - Caitlyn Clauson
Losing Its Religion: Planning as Faith - Charles Kaylor
"It Takes a Village…". A Personal Response to Lewis Mumford's City in History - Thomas S. Skuzinski
Book Reviews: Sprawl. A Compact History - Amanda M. Goski
Book Reviews: Brave New Neighborhoods. The Privatization of Public Space - Cassia Herron
Book Reviews: Design Like You Give a Damn - Kelly Koss
Nortonopolis - Figure/Ground - Mike Lydon
Graphic Notation of Vulnerability - Aaron Clausen